Monday, June 15, 2009

Wearing pink she's Nikki, the white shirt she's Kimkim and left side of me she's Jeniffer... We are supposed to be five but she's not here with us because she has a baby taking good care of...

-- my classmates --

June 13, 2009 - Saturday -

Reunion with my High school classmates, at KAhulugan Spring

I waited for them in 3 hours and I was so very hungry.. because we have supposed to go at 7am but we did not, instead of 10am.. WOW!! very late.. hmmm but its ok I haven't done any, they are the one busy cooking the foods.. hehehe =)

I was so very happy to see them,like it's been a while we did not see each other.. My dance group in High school wow we are so complete =) weeeeh!! And also my crush is here hahahaha name Jeffrey.. hmmm he change a lot.. We drink a lot in the cottage and then dance because the music is very nice, like were having a disco in the pool.. hahaha and we don't even really care that people are watching us :D I was so drunk because me,nikki and jeniffer are the one drinking,kim2x she doesn't drink, the boys are busy swimming.. haha But I had a lot of fun,talking with them, dancing together like we do a lot since we are in high school :D I missed that moment!! ^^ Like we talk 5 hours haha we did not know that it's already empty the alcohol we drink.. :D I know some of there secrects.. hehe sssssh!!!

Here goes the drunken joy, hehe!! I don't know why we did that.. Me and my high school crush Jeffrey, we hold our hands like girlfriend and boyfriend hehe ^^ Well, it's not that bad but he has a girlfriend but I don't even really care hehe.. It's just for a 1 day holding hands ^^ (shy joy!) Because my classmates are teasing us, so im drunk and that's why I did that holding hands to him and they were shocked hahaha..

We had so much fun, bonding to them like we did in our high school days.. I put some pictures of my dance group friends and my classmates:D

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11, 2009 - Thursday -

--.) I just sleep 4am in the morning because I was so busy chatting with Tim and I did not realize that it was very late.. hehehe :D And my mom was always telling me "Joyjoy, katulog na!"(Joyjoy,you better sleep now!) and I just always saying later mom, later.. hahaha :D

Today is the day that I woke up 11am.. haha :D what a sleep!! hmmm, and my mom was busy arranging her things because she will be back in Dubai already :(
I was so lonely deep inside my heart because I don't want her to recognize me that I feel that way..I always hug her in the living room and I always say to her that "mama,I will miss you again"

And we ready our self because we are going to take her to the airport, 2pm is her flight.. This was the very first time that my mom went back to Dubai we did not shed tears when she lives, I just said to her "see you on march" hmmm just fighting and controlling my tears when I say that T.T) I was really thinking that 9 months is just easy to wait.. I had also a very important persons coming on the month of March, my mom and Kris.. And that's why I can wait because they made a promise to me :) So, no worry at all and just say to my self AJA AJA :) hahaha!!

When we go home I drop by at the SM mall.. Im alone strolling in the mall :D hehe! Just to ease my self ^^ I am enjoying watching the dress because I can't buy them hahaha :D I just bought a small notebook for my school things and after that I just go home because Im soooo sleepy and hungry at the same time :D hahaha

I just got home at 5pm, and first thing to do was I was finding a food in the refrigerator and glad to say that I found one.. hahahaha :D Yum, yum yum eating time!! weeeeeh :)

The loneliness I feel inside, It made me feel sleepy --.)ZZzzzz!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9, 2009 - Tuesday -

Wake up early in the morning 5am (:|

I am very busy uploading the pictures in our water rafting in friendster.. heehee^^ I was excited that my friends would be able too see the adventure we have ^^ yeeeheeeY! Because really it was very super duper enjoy :D

But thing is my skin hurts because of the sun burn ++.) My face got into red or brown.. I don't know hahaha!

The planning for today is we went to medical hospital to have a check.up for my mom about her menstruation period.. OH MY GOSH! It is very hot outside.. ggrrrr!! I think I can cook a sunny side up because of the heat hahaha :D Good thing to hear the doctor said that it's not that terrible about the menstruation of my mom =) THANks to GOD!! He'd given her a good health..

Next stop, is we try to find a room for rent for us me and cathy.. Because we are so tired always travelling at our house to school, well it takes 30minutes before I got to my school that's why...
But sad to say we haven't find any because some rooms are too expensive like the room we like it's a 2,500pesos per head.. OH MY GOSH! Think we need to back off,hahaha :D

The third stop is, going to my best friend house Amy together with my mom and cathy.. Because her mother have a little party for us because my mama will go back to Dubai this coming Thursday.. So, she had a small celebration for her=) There were so kind and we had a great moment while together eating with them,we do the video.K and it was fun=)

Going home Im so tired and sleepy--)
I think it's a sleeping time hehe..

Good night and sweet dreams!^^.

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8, 2009 - Monday -

Farewell!! They will going to cebu and as she promised she will be back on my graduation day on March=) and hope so I can go there place on June and have a vacation with my best friend neef.. Ik mis je but see you soon :D

Haaiz!! Having time in the hotel makes me feel better because its not hot.. But we have to go back home and feel the heat there at our house :P hehehehe!!

But, lucky for me because today we have supposed to star our class but because of the swine flu virus it will resume next week :D hahaha so i have still time to rest on one week and sleep :P hehe

Nothing to do on this day, kinda boring! Timy is not online because he still have to work.. So, better for me to sleep now.. --.)Zzzzzz!!!

Ik mis je...
June 7, 2009 - Sunday-


weeehooo!! My very first time and my heart is beating so fast^^
Together with Aragon Family.. =)

We are really enjoy experiencing this water rafting.. I shout very loud as I can! haha=) The thing is to be get over my fears =) heheh.. And also our best in talking tour guide kuya joel is really funny..

AMmm, the best part I won't forget is when I jump in the water that my feeling is I am a professional swimmer hahaha=) but because of the vest im wearing it ;D

Kris,is really a good swimmer hmmm she go far away from the boat and think she knows the way haha :D well, we had our good team the sexy paddle girls^^

And the most part I can't ever forget hehehe "I heard my ever dearest neef Kris LAUGH OUT LOUD ;D" hahaha
June 5, 2009 - Friday-

Weeeeh=) sleeping at the Grand Hotel is my first time.. My Tante Mae bring us there and sleep with them.. ^^

For today, im used talking with my cousin kris and the shyness is GONE=D I love talking to her because she's more like a best friend to me... And I am comfortable talking with her=) Her mom said that we have in common, ammm "yea, i was thinking of that too=)"

When we go to ketkai, it was so fuuny because someone said that "are you sisters?"
OOhh!! and at the same time i said "YES" hahahaha:D im just fooling around that guy.. hehe^^

I have known a liitle of what she is and what she like=) xoxo!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 4, 2009 -Thursday-

Nothing to do but I colored my hair black=) hehehe!!But didnt know that my Tante Mae, Lola and cousin from Netherlands are here visiting our house... Oh my gosh! I'm so mess and not yet in bath.. hehe.. Kinda shy but "think my smell is still like a Victoria secret perfume hehehe:P

I've meet my cousin name Kristel, wow im so lucky I have a cousin which is pretty and kind=) Well at first im kinda shy to talk to her because I think im gonna have my nose bleed then haha:P