Monday, June 8, 2009

June 5, 2009 - Friday-

Weeeeh=) sleeping at the Grand Hotel is my first time.. My Tante Mae bring us there and sleep with them.. ^^

For today, im used talking with my cousin kris and the shyness is GONE=D I love talking to her because she's more like a best friend to me... And I am comfortable talking with her=) Her mom said that we have in common, ammm "yea, i was thinking of that too=)"

When we go to ketkai, it was so fuuny because someone said that "are you sisters?"
OOhh!! and at the same time i said "YES" hahahaha:D im just fooling around that guy.. hehe^^

I have known a liitle of what she is and what she like=) xoxo!!!

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