Monday, June 8, 2009

June 7, 2009 - Sunday-


weeehooo!! My very first time and my heart is beating so fast^^
Together with Aragon Family.. =)

We are really enjoy experiencing this water rafting.. I shout very loud as I can! haha=) The thing is to be get over my fears =) heheh.. And also our best in talking tour guide kuya joel is really funny..

AMmm, the best part I won't forget is when I jump in the water that my feeling is I am a professional swimmer hahaha=) but because of the vest im wearing it ;D

Kris,is really a good swimmer hmmm she go far away from the boat and think she knows the way haha :D well, we had our good team the sexy paddle girls^^

And the most part I can't ever forget hehehe "I heard my ever dearest neef Kris LAUGH OUT LOUD ;D" hahaha

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