Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8, 2009 - Monday -

Farewell!! They will going to cebu and as she promised she will be back on my graduation day on March=) and hope so I can go there place on June and have a vacation with my best friend neef.. Ik mis je but see you soon :D

Haaiz!! Having time in the hotel makes me feel better because its not hot.. But we have to go back home and feel the heat there at our house :P hehehehe!!

But, lucky for me because today we have supposed to star our class but because of the swine flu virus it will resume next week :D hahaha so i have still time to rest on one week and sleep :P hehe

Nothing to do on this day, kinda boring! Timy is not online because he still have to work.. So, better for me to sleep now.. --.)Zzzzzz!!!

Ik mis je...

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