Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9, 2009 - Tuesday -

Wake up early in the morning 5am (:|

I am very busy uploading the pictures in our water rafting in friendster.. heehee^^ I was excited that my friends would be able too see the adventure we have ^^ yeeeheeeY! Because really it was very super duper enjoy :D

But thing is my skin hurts because of the sun burn ++.) My face got into red or brown.. I don't know hahaha!

The planning for today is we went to medical hospital to have a check.up for my mom about her menstruation period.. OH MY GOSH! It is very hot outside.. ggrrrr!! I think I can cook a sunny side up because of the heat hahaha :D Good thing to hear the doctor said that it's not that terrible about the menstruation of my mom =) THANks to GOD!! He'd given her a good health..

Next stop, is we try to find a room for rent for us me and cathy.. Because we are so tired always travelling at our house to school, well it takes 30minutes before I got to my school that's why...
But sad to say we haven't find any because some rooms are too expensive like the room we like it's a 2,500pesos per head.. OH MY GOSH! Think we need to back off,hahaha :D

The third stop is, going to my best friend house Amy together with my mom and cathy.. Because her mother have a little party for us because my mama will go back to Dubai this coming Thursday.. So, she had a small celebration for her=) There were so kind and we had a great moment while together eating with them,we do the video.K and it was fun=)

Going home Im so tired and sleepy--)
I think it's a sleeping time hehe..

Good night and sweet dreams!^^.

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